Trauma & Shame Supervision Group

Unshaming Shame: Working to Transform Shame in Sessions


Calling All Coaches & Therapists

Understanding shame is the most important aspect to working with trauma. Shame is something you are going to encounter in your clients, as trauma happens and shame is the emotion that rises up to protect us. This group focuses on the impact and subsequent thoughts, feelings and behaviors in our clients that show underlying, pervasive shame.

Diving deeper into the shame material, and navigating our own shame when working with others, helps us to resource ourselves and to counter-shame. This deepens relationship with clients, and helps us to do our best work. Here are some of the topics we will cover:

  • Do you see patterns where you are activated working with certain clients? That your shame rises up when a client feels shame? Are you having shame reactions and trauma responses internally when something shame-based is discussed in session? Navigating our own shame as coaches & therapists enriches the client relationship, and enhances attunement.
  • Discussion around emotional health, somatic resources and shame as the master emotion.
  • For trauma survivors who go into coaching or therapeutic relationships with a client who has an 'attack other' shame response, getting to the root of that internally and how to handle those situations.
  • How toxic, pervasive shame can have us pendulating between multiple shame binds and help in navigating.
  • Nurturing the Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Bridge, and what that looks like in practical application.
  • Parts work is the gateway to the emotions and emotions are the gateway to the parts- learn how to deal with your inner critic while your client is working with theirs. Shame is the organizing principle in all parts.
  • Key components to shame work: counter-shaming as the primary resource for self and clients, self-compassion & emotional health.
  • Guidance in navigating interwoven shame and grief from developmental trauma.


Cohorts for this group meet weekly for 90 minutes for a six-week period.

Register Here


Tuesdays -September 24th - October 29th

9am-1030am PST/10am-1130am MST/11am-12:30pm CST/12pm-130pm EST

Capped at 12 students

Cost: $399

Interactive format: Participants will be asked to present twice. First with a current or past case study for the group to offer feedback and ideas, and on a subsequent week to update us as to how the guidance helped with the client.

Please note: If you are a newly building your practice, and presenting a case study is not an option, I welcome your learning and growing through observation, questions and discussion/suggestions you may have for other practitioners.

If you’re interested in participating in the Trauma & Shame Consultation Group available through Jennifer Kindera LLC, but not ready to register, please fill out an online inquiry form or contact me directly with questions!